
Well hello all you followers, readers, stalkers, lovers, haters etc. As you might have noticed(the people who still are here) I haven't been blogging for a long time, sorry about that, most because I haven't really got the inspiration and time lately. But that chapter is officially done! Or I hope so :)

- Remember way back when I told you guys about a big artsie fancy pantsie project I was doing? - Well a couple a days ago, I went to an admission test, for my drawings to be evaluated as many ways there are to evaluate things. So I got an email today and from the title it's quite obvious what the mail said… I GOT IN!! Im so relieved and really exciting starting at BGK after the vacations! trust me, this blog will soon be transformed to a documentary about going to an art school :)

That's all.

Besos xxx

2 kommentarer:

  1. Tillykke tillykke! Det glæder jeg mig til at høre mere om! :)

  2. Taaak :) Jeg tror der bliver nok at fortælle om :)
